Algenib at 09°09′ Aries has an orb of 2°00′
The Sun joins Algenib on March 29
Fixed star Algenib, Gamma Pegasi, is a 2.8 magnitude blue-white star on the tip of the wing of the Winged Horse, Pegasus constellation. The name Algenib derives from the Arabic الجانب (Al Janb), which means the Side. According to Bullinger, Algenib means “Who carries.” [1]
2000* | 2050 | Name | Orb |
01♈03 | 01♈45 | Kerb | 1°10′ |
02♈35 | 03♈17 | Deneb Kaitos | 2°10′ |
09♈09 | 09♈51 | Algenib | 2°00′ |
12♈47 | 13♈28 | Alderamin | 2°00′ |
14♈19 | 15♈01 | Alpheratz | 2°10′ |
Algenib Astrology
The three main stars of Pegasus all have a similar astrological influence: Scheat, Markab and Algenib.
Fixed star Algenib is of the nature of Mars and Mercury. [1] However, its spectral type of B2 suggests a Jupiter nature.
Algenib gives notoriety, dishonor, violence, and misfortune and denotes the naked and poor professional beggar. [1]
ALGENIB. γ Pegasi. A small white star at the wing tip of Pegasi. “The Wing” Spectral class B2. The native has a sharp, decisive mind, appears enthusiastic, and can be combative, obstinate, and ruined by headstrong conduct. Natives with this conjunction can expect some sort of notoriety, misfortune and, in negative nativities, violence. There is the possibility of them being a ward of society or reducing themselves to poverty and possibly some misfortune. [1]
Algenib is supposed to have a Mars-Mercury nature. Therefore, it brings about a penetrating mind, a strong will, determination, an impressive way of speaking, and a gift for oratory. A conjunction with the Sun creates a fighting spirit and a love of learning. Connected with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, one can count popularity, interest in art and literature, and distinction if further configurations also point to similar gifts. With Saturn, in general, is thought of as an impeding factor but has a name for good memory, according to Morin. If angular with Mercury and Uranus, Algenib will make for an inventive spirit. [3]
Algenib is of the nature of Jupiter (spectral type B2) and, as such, has a good reputation. However, poorly placed with the Sun, there will be an excess of heat, resulting in violence and perhaps misfortune or dishonor. [4]
Similar to Scheat and Markab is Algenib, another Mars-Mercury, its name, pronounced Al Zhaynib, meaning The Side (of the horse). It’s placing in Aries since 754 years ago now gives it extra impetus for better or worse. It shows something of that kind of Master who feels perhaps that the old-style secrecy in which his fellows used to surround themselves should now give place to a more open attitude, at least to such of the laity as show a willingness to learn and listen. [5]
Fixed star Algenib rules the bottom portion of the skull between the nose and the upper lip. [6]
Alpheratz (Alpha Andromedae), Caph (Beta Cassiopeiae) and Algenib (Gamma Pegasi) are together known as the Three Guides that mark the prime meridian of the heavens. It was believed to bless those born under its influence with honor and riches. [7]
Constellation Pegasus
According to Ptolemy the bright stars are like Mars and Mercury. The constellation gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and bad judgment. It prevails against the diseases of horses and preserves horse riders in battle. [1]
The constellation portends events concerning ships and the ocean and also changes in the weather. In medieval times it was said to indicate vain individuals with a great deal of ambition but very poor judgment. [4]
Like birds, angels, and most celestial winged creatures, Pegasus is an allegory for the superior spiritual power that the hero first sought to aid him in his task, and the Owl represents the wisdom side of that same power. [5]
In mundane astrology, Pegasus is associated with drowning, accidents, catastrophes, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, falling accidents, shooting down from high, horses, jockeys, transportation, communications, space travel, exploration, pioneering, science, invention and heroism.
Fixed Star Algenib Conjunctions
Ascendant conjunct Algenib: Stubborn but with original and inventive ideas. Can act rashly, leading to undesirable consequences.
Pegasus the winged Horse will appear and gallop aloft in the heavens. It will bring forth people endowed with swiftness of movement and limbs alert to perform every task. One man will cause his horse to wheel round in caracoles, and proudly mounted on its back he will wage war from on high; horseman and soldier in one. Another will possess the ability to rob the racecourse of its true length such is his speed that he will seem to dissemble the movement of his feet and make the ground vanish before him. Who more swiftly could fly back from the ends of the earth as a messenger or with light foot to the earth’s ends make his way? He will also heal a horse’s wounds with the sap of common plants, and will know the herbs which bring aid to an animal’s limbs and those which grow for the use of man. [8]
Equus arises in the 21st degree of Pisces. Those who are born with this constellation rising will be in charge of racers, charioteers, drivers, horsemen, dispatch-riders, scouts, and sometimes physicians, but those who compaound remedies from herbs for men and cattle. [9]
Walt Whitman 0°38′.
Midheaven conjunct Algenib: Many changes in the career, but very determined to succeed. Willing to try new fields or start an original business.
Joseph Goebbels 0°17′, Tucker Carlson 0°35′, Michael Bloomberg 0°24′, William Blake 1°17′, Anne Frank 1°20′.
Descendant conjunct Algenib: But if this constellation is found on the DSC with the malefic stars, they will be badly injured, either by a kick from a hoof, or from being thrown down [from a horse] or it will make them to die from an overturned carriage, and shattered with a miserable injury to the body. [9]
Viktor Orbán 0°03′, Yoko Ono 0°17′, Tony Abbott 0°34′, Zoë Kravitz 1°07′, Edwin Castro 1°17′, Cat Stevens 1°23′, Nancy Pelosi 1°39′.
Imun Coeli conjunct Algenib: John III Sobieski 0°06′, Garry Kasparov 0°36′, Bernardo Provenzano 0°41′.
Part of Fortune conjunct Algenib: Marshall Applewhite 0°13′, Diego Maradona 0°23′, Oliver North 1°03′, Sylvester Stallone 1°20′.
Sun conjunct Algenib: Mental disturbances, fevers and ill health, some danger of accidents. [1]
Natives with this conjunction can experience advancement in business and all matters dealing with the public, religious affairs and writings. Generally, these natives get what they go after. They can, however, be subjected to periods of being depressed or simply being melancholy, and this might not be evident unless the native is under a strain. This will be more obvious if Neptune is adversely aspected in the natal chart. At times, such natives will seek complete privacy, which should not be mistaken for being a loner or a private person. Emotional strains will take their toll on such natives. Natives with this conjunction can readily develop a tendency towards being hypocritical, even becoming quite sarcastic in their responses. These natives, while not outwardly appearing so, will be emotionally tense, accident-prone, and desire to continually push forward towards their objective. After they reach their goal(s), they will either not want it or be unable to determine precisely what they want to do. The native can be combative, quite decisive, and enthusiastic. [2]
A fighting spirit and a love of learning. [3]
Rolf Harris 0°11′, Celine Dion 1°21′, Warren Beatty 1°31′.
Moon conjunct Algenib: Dishonor, loss by scandal, exiled or forced to flee, ill health, trouble through writings. [1]
Natives with the conjunction can become misunderstood through their seemingly headstrong actions, writings, and conversation, which could create difficulties or embarrassing situations. Some of these natives will turn away from problems, deciding that things will work out. Natives with this conjunction can easily get involved in unpleasant situations, even amounting to scandals or actions bordering on scandal. [2]
Bill Gates 0°18′, Salma Hayek 1°40′, Sarah, Duchess of York 1°58′.
Mercury conjunct Algenib: Quick temper, mental disturbances, success in legal and other disputes. [1]
(+) These natives will find preferment in matters associated with the public and its affairs. They can develop the ability to emerge successfully from disputes. However, unless Mars is well-aspected to the Moon, the native will be short-tempered. These natives are mentally keen. [2]
(–) Mentally very keen, but generally they do not have the necessary strength of their convictions. Some such natives will be subject to mental disturbances, which could create problems of a lasting nature. These natives can appear testy, of an argumentative nature. Generally no natural moral stamina. [2]
Liza Minnelli 0°37′, Stormy Daniels 0°41′, Sam Altman 1°05′, Marguerite de Navarre 1°25′.
Venus conjunct Algenib: Generous, proud, quick temper, bad morals, drink or evil habits, favorable for financial affairs. [1]
(+) Natives with this conjunction can be magnanimous, even philanthropic; appear dignified or present a regal bearing. They will have fine, generous attributes, not always apparent. [2]
(–) These natives can develop a tendency to being loners and develop undesirable habits; they have a relatively quick short temper, and there could be, with some natives, a question of morals or character stability. [2]
Abraham Lincoln 0°57′, Charles Darwin 1°30′.
Mars conjunct Algenib: Quick mind and body, lying or theft, danger of accidents. [1]
(+) Natives with this conjunction are mentally quick and active. This does not necessarily indicate a high order of intelligence, nor a lack of intelligence, but the ready reply to questions that others would take time out to think the answers to a conclusion. These natives can acquire the ability to become leaders and be very active in whatever careers they choose to follow. Impulsive actions are possible. [2]
(–) These natives are mentally keen, but unless they have been carefully trained at an early age, they can develop into ‘con’ persons, swindlers, or in other ways become dishonest. In some cases lying would be second nature to such natives. There is also a danger of turbulent actions to or by the natives with this conjunction. Natives’ judgment is open to question. [2]
This causes hot flashes around the head and face. These persons sometimes feel the heat on the lips through blisters, rashes and sores. Surgery to the gums is certain but would not solve the problem as the problem would be enhanced at a later time through the development of gum disease. [6]
Kourtney Kardashian 0°00′, Jeffrey Dahmer 0°33′, Hunter Biden 0°42′, Charles Dickens 1°00′, Emily Dickinson 1°37′ (and Pluto), Angelina Jolie 1°53′.
Jupiter conjunct Algenib: Hypocrisy, financial success, real or pretended religious enthusiasm. [1]
These natives can exhibit real or pretended zeal in their careers or hobbies. They can develop successfully; but be hypocritical. Natives with this conjunction in negative horoscopes can develop into losers, some even becoming wards of society. [2]
Mikey Madison 0°18′, Brad Pitt 1°11′, Nikola Tesla 1°26′, David Beckham 1°43′.
Saturn conjunct Algenib: Many enemies, success, secret help from powerful friends and influential relatives, bad morals. [1]
An impeding factor, but a good memory. [3]
This causes difficulties through growth patterns in the skull, such as a calcium growth. The larger the growth, the more problems the person would experience in their daily functions, such as dizziness and extreme pains in the head. [6]
Gavin Newsom 0°17′, Vera Atkins 1°08′.
Uranus conjunct Algenib: Active and eccentric mind, reformer or agitator, great influence over the minds of others necessitating journeys, peculiar ideas in advance of the time, mystic and fond of mysteries though frank and open, domestic troubles, especially in a woman’s map. [1]
This affects the nervous system through the bottom of the skull to the brain and the nerves in the front of the face. There would be pain and numbness under the nose and upper teeth, which would also be very sensitive. The person would feel they need a dentist due to aching of the upper teeth and an irritation and burning sensation in the inner part of the ears. The nerve centers would be very sensitive, but the specific area could not be pinpointed. Although the sensitivity would not be constant, it would be noticed when the individual is under stress. These persons must be careful to balance out their diet and their thinking processes to compensate for their weakness in this area. [6]
Andy Warhol 1°00’, Audrey Hepburn 1°10′, Jane Roberts 1°25′.
Neptune conjunct Algenib: Conceited, stubborn, deceptive, cowardly, vacillating, untruthful, envious, superstitious, strong passions, sex troubles, evil surroundings, many enemies, mechanical ability, criminal tendencies, may be forger, sudden and violent death. [1]
Henry Ford 1°15′.
Pluto conjunct Algenib: Emily Dickinson 0°47′ (and Mars).
North Node conjunct Algenib: Novak Djokovic 0°00′, Bernadette Brady 0°01′, Agnetha Fältskog 1°00′, Will Smith 1°01′, Richard Nixon 1°45′.
South Node conjunct Algenib: Al-Biruni 0°03′, Zendaya 0°20′, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 0°24′, Bruce Lee 1°18′, Bella Hadid 1°37′.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 122, 231.
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.49-51.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.2.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.22.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.127-128.
- The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.10.
- Star Lore of All Ages. W. T. Olcott, 1911, p.26.
- Astronomica, Marcus Manilius, (1st century AD), p.350-353.
- Mathesis, Julius Firmicus Maternus, 336 AD, xvii.3.
- All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.