Fixed Star Alcyone

Alcyone at 00°00′ Gemini has an orb of 2°00′
Fixed Star Alcyone

Taurus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Alcyone on May 20

Fixed Star Alcyone, Eta Tauri, is a multiple star system in the shoulder of the Bull, Taurus Constellation. Magnitude 2.87, spectral type B7IIIe, color blue-white.

Alcyone is the brightest member of the Pleiades open cluster. The nine brightest stars in the cluster are named after the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters in Greek mythology – Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope and Taygeta – and their parents Atlas and Pleione. All are double stars and all of the spectral type B. The name Alcyone was derived from the Greek αλκυων (alkyon), meaning “kingfisher.” [1]

The table below also includes 22 Tauri, the companion of 21 Tauri. They are the components of the double star Sterope, sometimes known as Sterope I and Sterope II, respectively. 21 Tauri is officially named Asterope.

20002050BNameSp. ClassMagOrb
29♉4600♊2822Sterope IIB9V6.411°20′
00♊0000♊4225 (η)AlcyoneB7IIIe2.862°00′

The star cluster Pleiades’s high visibility in the night sky and its position along the ecliptic have given it importance in many cultures, ancient and modern. Its heliacal rising, which moves through the seasons over millennia (see precession), was nonetheless a date of folklore or ritual for various ancestral groups, as was its yearly heliacal setting.

The constellation was “nearly always imagined” as a group of seven sisters, and their myths explain why there are only six. Some scientists suggest that these may come from observations when Pleione was further from Atlas and more visible as a separate star as far back as 100,000 BC. [2]

Lascaux Bulls Panorama

Lascaux Bulls Panorama

The Lascaux Bulls Panorama above shows The Pleiades constellation accurately represented in its relative position in the sky over the bull’s shoulder. It was painted around 17,000 years ago.

05♊4806♊31Hyadum I1°40′
06♊5207♊35Hyadum II1°30′

Pleiades (Agrippa 1531).svgAlcyone is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a little virgin or lamp. It strengthens the eyesight, assembles spirits, raises winds and reveals secret and hidden things. Rules crystal and the stone Diodocus, the herb Diacedon, frankincense, fennel and quicksilver. [3]

Alcyone Astrology

Fixed star Alcyone has the spectral type B7, indicating the planetary nature of Jupiter.

PLEIADES. The Pleiades form a cluster, with Alycone as the principal star, situated on the shoulder of the Bull. For all practical purposes, the longitude of Alcyone may be used for the whole group, as all are contained within about one degree of longitude. According to Ptolemy, they are of the nature of the Moon and Mars; and, to Alvidas, of Mars, Moon and Sun in opposition.

They are said to make their natives wanton, ambitious, turbulent, optimistic and peaceful; to give many journeys and voyages, success in agriculture and through active intelligence; and to cause blindness, disgrace and a violent death. Their influence is distinctly evil and there is no astrological warrant for the oft-quoted passage Job (xxxviii. 31) “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades…?” which is probably a mistranslation. 

ALCYONE. η Tauri. Of the nature of Mars and the Moon. It causes love, eminence, blindness from fevers, smallpox, and accidents to the face. [3]

PLEIADES. η Tauri. A cluster of stars on the shoulder of the Bull. Wantoness, ambitious, optimistic, violence, blindness, disgraceful actions. 

ALCYONE. η Tauri. A white sub-giant star on the shoulder of the Bull, in the Pleiades. Spectral class: B5p. The native is changeable, liable to accidents, subject to eye problems, and many disappointments.

NOTE #1: Both Alcyone and the Pleiades can subject the native to eyesight problems, not necessarily blindness, and such eyesight problems can surface anytime during the life of the native with these conjunctions.

NOTE #2: A native with these conjunctions can have a mix of both good and bad, for example: A nativity with a (+) positive Mercury, or a (+) positive nativity in conjunction with Alcyone would indicate a good mentality, however, the native can also be subjected to dangerous situations, as affected by the conjunction with the Pleiades.

NOTE #3: The stars in the Pleiades Alcyone, Maia, Electra, Merope, Taygete, Celano, Sterope, Atlas and Pleione. All the stars in the Pleiades are within one degree of each other. The influence of Alcyone is more of a positive nature, while the rest of the stars in the Pleiades are of a direful nature. [4]

The Pleiades are the daughters of Atlas. One day Orion saw them and became enamored and pursued them. Jupiter put them in the sky to save them from Orion. Though their number is seven, only six stars were visible to the naked eye when this group was named. It is said that Electra was the missing star because she left her place so that she might not behold the ruin of Troy.

Ptolemy only mentions four of the stars of the Pleiades. We have given all the names of the seven sisters (Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta), however. In addition, two other stars of the group have been given names in more modern time: 27 Tau is named for the father of the Pleiades, Atlas, and 28-Tau for their mother, Pleione. Like the sisters, these are B stars. 

While the Pleiades have a generally good reputation during that time of the year when they are hidden by the Sun’s rays (approximately 40 days), they can be of great harm to humanity. At this time, with other correlative indications in the chart, they can occasion the death of a great number of people. In the charts of individuals they can presage blindness and accidents to sight at these times. Special attention should also be given to the adverse nature of the Pleiades at the time of an eclipse. But at other times, the Pleiades can indeed be fortunate. They give success in agriculture and trade conducted upon the seas. As a group, they are especially indicative of events that affect the family and family life.

The most important star of this group is Alcyone. It is a class B star and of the nature of Jupiter in our scheme (spectral types). It is noteworthy that all the stars of the Pleiades are also of spectral class B. Is it any wonder that Ptolemy claimed this group as having the nature of both the Moon and Jupiter? [5]

Alcyone, as representative of all Pleiades, is given a larger orb than is usual. The Pleiades correspond in their influence to a combination of the Moon and Mars. If well-connected otherwise, this points to ambition and endeavor, which have as their result preferment, honor and glory. The power of Mars is good in raising people to high positions. However, with other relevant planetary connections, this can make for high passion and ruthlessness. The best example here is Stalin. Alcyone, Pluto and Algol are in conjunction in his nativity. Unfavorable connections bring the danger of enmity and fall from power.

The influence of the Pleiades has sometimes been noted as not a good one for eyesight. Disturbance of proper sight, injuries to the eyes, even blindness (especially when the Sun and Moon are closely aspected by it), and when the Pleiades are in critical aspect to Mars or Saturn. Alcyone is not a good omen with regard to relationships with the opposite sex. Connected with Neptune, it is supposed to give inclination to homosexuality. [6]

It is doubtful if any other small star group has had so much written about it as the famed ‘Seven Sisters.’ Not one culture anywhere on Earth has failed to make an important celestial station of them, and always with feminine connotations. Alcyone, η Tauri, and the whole Pleiades group are noted in astrology for their association with deep sorrows and tragedies, bereavements showing strongly with this star. Its position by longitude soon after Algol in Perseus may account for the gloomy quality since Algol is much connotative with a violent death in mundane astrology, and that, of course, means bereavement for someone else.

As a practicing astrological consultant, however, the present author has found that one or both of these stars prominent, even though ‘afflicted,’ on one’s horoscope makes for an excellent counselor to others in the time of bereavement, with a special gift for bringing out the brighter spiritual significance of death as the transition to Greater Life and this so very often relieves the counselor him or herself from the misery that others so commonly suffer in that area of life. [7]

Fixed star Alcyone rules the base of the neck. It is the major connection to the central nervous system. [8]

Constellation Taurus

Ptolemy makes the following observations: “Those stars in Taurus which are in the abscission of the sign resemble in their temperament the influence of Venus, and in some degree that of Saturn . . . the stars in the head (except Aldebaran) resemble Saturn, and, partly, Mercury; and those at the top of the horns are like Mars.” By the Kabalists Taurus is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Juggler.” In all the ancient Zodiacs, Taurus is the beginning sign and marked the Vernal Equinox from about 4,000 to 1,700 B.C. [3]

The constellation was an object of worship in primitive cultures throughout the ages. To the ancient Egyptians, it was the bull-god Orissi, but according to R. A. Allen in Star Names and Their Meanings, the star was also worshiped by the Babylonians, Chinese, Druids, and some tribes of Amazon Indians. Its stars, according to Tetrabiblos are: “…like Venus along the line where the constellation is cut off [Taurus is represented as the head and fore-part only of a charging bull. These are the stars 5-Tau, 4-Tau, 3-Tau, 0-Tau, and 30-Tau.]: those in the Pleiades have the nature of the Moon and Jupiter; the one in the Hyades that is bright and somewhat reddish called Troch (Aldebaran) has a  ‘temperament’ like that of Mars; the others (in the Hyades) like that of Saturn and moderately like that of Mercury; and those (stars) in the tips of the horns, like that of Mars.” With the exception of El Nath (constellation of the Charioteer), all the named stars in Ptolemy’s catalog of this constellation are in the Hyades and Pleiades. The Bull is now called Taurus (Tau) and traditionally presages the results of the beginnings of large political undertakings. The constellation also portends that which affects wild animals, especially those dangerous to man. [5]

Fixed Star Alcyone Star Pleiades Star Cluster Astrology

Pleiades Star Cluster

Fixed Star Alcyone and Pleiades Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Pleiades: Blindness, ophthalmia injuries to the eyes and face, disgrace, wounds, stabs (operations nowadays), exile, imprisonment, sickness, violent fevers, quarrels, violent lust, military preferment. If at the same time the Sun is in opposition either to the Ascendant or to Mars, violent death. [3]

The Pleiades rising indicates a person to whom luxury and lust play an important part in their life. They are likely to drink too much, will desire to be well-dressed, and even misuse beauty aids, such as using an excessive amount of perfume. The rising Pleiades also indicate those who are homosexual, like to be flattered, and (with a poorly positioned Mercury) impudent in speech. [5]

Vespasian 0°35′ (and Uranus), JonBenét Ramsey 0°41′, Miley Cyrus 1°16′, Linda Goodman 1°43′, Frederick the Great 1°53′.

Descendant conjunct Pleiades: The Pleiades setting can have just the opposite nature of rising. If aspected by benefics (when setting), the indications are of a pleasant death, and if aspected by both malefics and benefits the native is said to be fond of arts and perhaps even become a painter who will acquire great honors in his lifetime. As an example of the fortunate nature of the Pleiades, Josephus, the great Jewish historian (37? -100), wrote that during the investment of Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes in 170 B.C., the besieged suffered from a severe lack of water. Still, the city was finally relieved “by a large shower of rain which fell at the setting of the Pleiades.” [5]

Liz Greene 0°43′, Justin Bieber 0°52′, Benjamin Netanyahu 1°08′, Diego Maradona 1°12′.

Midheaven conjunct Pleiades: Pleiades culminating: Disgrace, ruin, violent death. If with the luminaries it makes its natives military captains, commanders, colonels of horse and emperors. [3]

Jan Brożek 0°00′, Max Amann 0°07′, Yannick Noah 0°07′ (and Sun, Mercury), Conan O’Brien 0°09′, Sylvia Kristel 0°09′, Prince Alexander John of Wales 0°15′, Josephine Baker 0°23′, Montgomery Clift 0°25′, Erwin Villain 0°33′, Erik Menendez 0°40′, Don Johnson 0°59′, Patty Hearst 1°05′, Albrecht Dürer 1°14′, Billy Bob Thornton 1°35′, Julius Evola 1°39′ (and Sun), William Gerhardie 1°45′, Woody Allen 1°56′, Charles I of England 1°55′, Lao She 1°58′.

Imum Coeli conjunct Alcyone: F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°22′, Erwin Rommel 0°59′, Tori Spelling 1°25′, Mikey Madison 1°49′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Alcyone: Charles Ponzi 1°02′ (and Pluto), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 1°05′, Angelina Jolie 1°05′, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 1°39′.

Sun conjunct Pleiades: Throat ailments, chronic catarrh, blindness, bad eyes, injuries to the face, sickness, disgrace, evil disposition, murderer or murdered, imprisonment, death by pestilence, blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck. If in the 7th house, blindness, especially if Saturn or Mars, is with Regulus. If with Mars and Venus, the native will be a potent king obeyed by many people but subject to many infirmities. [3]

The native is overly aggressive, subject to illness, a poor disposition, violence. [4]

Sun conjunct Alcyone: The native can develop into a leader, can become a creative person, but caution should be exercised not to become cantankerous, else problems will result. High preferment and honors possible in legal, writings, martial and public matters. [4]

Julius Evola 0°07′ (and MC), Cher 0°14′, Malcolm X 0°18′, Malcolm Fraser 0°35′, André the Giant 1°15′, Laurence Olivier 1°16′, Jeffrey Dahmer 1°22′, Novak Djokovic 1°26′, Niccolo Machiavelli 1°37′, Yannick Noah 1°54′ (and MC, Mercury).

Moon conjunct Pleiades: Injuries to the face, sickness, misfortune, wounds, stabs, disgrace, imprisonment, blindness, defective sight, especially if in the Ascendant or one of the other angles, may be cross-eyed, color-blind, or the eyes may be affected by some growth. If in the 7th house, total blindness, especially if Saturn or Mars is with Regulus and the Moon is combust. [3]

The native could be falsely accused and unable to clear themselves, turbulent actions, general misfortune, disgrace, imprisonment, riots, domestic problems. Self destruction. [4]

Moon conjunct Alcyone: High preferment in government, martial and public matters. Leadership ability will surface. The native will be of an indefatigable nature, determined to succeed. [4]

Michael Landon 0°08′, Tucker Carlson 0°09′, Allison DuBois 0°36′ (and Saturn), Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán 0°52′, Frida Kahlo 1°01′, Ronaldinho 1°05′.

Mercury conjunct Pleiades: Many disappointments, loss of possessions, much loss from legal affairs, business failure, trouble through children. [3]

The native will face many problems, suffer from legal matters, encounter or engage in situations that could prove to be embarrassing or dangerous. [4]

Mercury conjunct Alcyone: The native has a good mentality, solid, but subject to many disappointments; there could be some family problems, or problems connected with the family or close acquaintances that will affect the native. [4]

Sigmund Freud 0°11′, George H. W. Bush 0°24′, Yannick Noah 0°51′ (and MC, Sun), Adele 1°04′, Malcolm Fraser 1°14′, Audrey Hepburn 1°19′, Laurence Olivier 1°23′.

Venus conjunct Pleiades: Immoral, strong passions, disgrace through women, sickness, loss of fortune. [3]

Natives with this conjunction tend to be headstrong, encounter romantic problems, subject themselves to actions of a disgraceful nature, loss of emotional control. [4]

Venus conjunct Alcyone: Natives with this conjunction will tend to be private persons; one who prefers a certain amount of solitude. [4]

Nigel Farage 0°01′, Rudy Giuliani 0°04′, Karl Marx 0°04′, Marguerite de Navarre 0°07′, Megan Rapinoe 0°20′, Bernie Madoff 0°34′.

Mars conjunct Pleiades: Many accidents to the head, loss and suffering through fires. If, at the same time, Saturn is with Regulus, violent death in a tumult. [3]

The native will be subjected to violent actions, or create turbulence and/or become involved in dangerous situations, or unfortunate conditions from which they are unable to escape. [4]

Mars conjunct Alcyone: Natives with this conjunction should meet with moderate success. A determined person. [4]

Andy Warhol 0°45′, Andrea Bocelli 0°48′. 

Jupiter conjunct Pleiades: Deceit, hypocrisy, legal and ecclesiastical troubles, loss through relatives, banishment or imprisonment. [3]

Natives with this conjunction can become recluses, get involved in legal matters, even face judicial sentences. Subject to or being deceitful, hypocritical. [4]

Jupiter conjunct Alcyone: A poorly aspected Jupiter makes its natives plodders, having determination. Well aspected Jupiters indicate natives who find preferment in all matters connected with the public. [4]

Zoë Kravitz 0°04′, Bob Dylan 0°30′, Anne Frank 0°56′, Conor McGregor 1°15′.

Saturn conjunct Pleiades: Cautious, much sickness, tumorous ailments, chronic sickness to family, many losses. [3]

This causes great difficulty by upsetting the energy flow through the nervous system, the head area and the shoulder blades. The difficulty would begin as blurred vision, and if Saturn is poorly aspected, there would be no vision at all. For this to occur, Saturn must be placed directly on the degree with no orb allowance. Numbness and sharp pains through the shoulder blades would occur at times. Both the eyes and the shoulder blades are affected at this point, and those attempting to diagnose the problem will not be able to determine that the problem stems from the central nervous system. There is no cure for this problem, but it can be alleviated if these individuals will accept the opinions of others and turn to the spiritual. They are the ones who care nothing about the opinions of others, and they would be the chronic complainers, especially when help is offered to them. If they would just turn to the spiritual, they would find some relief, but with Saturn at this degree, it would be very, very difficult for these individuals to change. [8]

Allison DuBois 0°00′ (and Moon), Alan Turing 0°19′, Mark Wahlberg 1°13′, Richard Nixon 1°17′, Elon Musk 1°31′.

Uranus conjunct Pleiades: Active mind, deformity from birth or through an accident in childhood, many accidents and troubles, many unexpected losses often through fire or enemies, marriage partner proves false, especially if female, troubles through women, occult interests, unfavorable for children, if any, and lack of harmony with them, heavy losses at the end of life, violent death. [3]

Emmett Till 0°28′, Bobby Fischer 1°′46, George Pell 1°46′, Vespasian 1°55′ (and AC). 

Neptune conjunct Pleiades: Bold, military preferment, honor, wealth, help from friends, many serious accidents, many travels, a somewhat dishonorable occupation involving secrecy, ill-health to marriage partner and peculiar conditions respecting parentage, bad for children, may lose everything at the end of life, violent death, often abroad while following occupation. [3]

An inclination to homosexuality. [6]

Pluto conjunct Alcyone: Pablo Picasso 0°26′, Helen Keller 0°33′, Charles Ponzi 0°54′ (and POF), Franklin D. Roosevelt 0°59′, James Joyce 0°59′, John Maynard Keynes 1°42′. 

North Node conjunct Alcyone: Immanuel Kant 0°13′, Steve Forbes 0°26′, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 1°03′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 1°17′, Martin Luther King 1°30′, Mark Twain 1°33′, Salman Rushdie 1°57′. 

South Node conjunct Alcyone: David Beckham 1°26′, Angelina Jolie 1°14′, Mel B 1°14′.


  1. Alcyone (Eta Tauri): Star Facts.
  2. Pleiades in folklore and literature – Wikipedia.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.63, 119, 181-184.
  4. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.74-76.
  5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.34-39
  6. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.17.
  7. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.38.
  8. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.22.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.